In case you forgot who the Proud Boys are, know this: they are a far-right, neo-fascist militant organization that engages in political violence. Enrique Tarrio and his merry boys may have received pardons from the asshole currently sitting in the oval office (for their role in orchestrating and executing the attack on the U.S. Capital on January 6, 2021), but as of yesterday, their organization has been castrated. Going forward, they must get permission from a Black church they vandalized in D.C. in order to use the Proud Boys’ trademarked name and the organization’s various symbols. And the church gets to seize any money they make from selling their hateful swag, which is one of their main sources of income.
From today’s NY Times:
“Under a ruling by a Washington judge on Monday, the infamous far-right group was stripped of control over the trademark “Proud Boys” and was barred from selling any merchandise with either its name or its symbols without the consent of a Black church in Washington that its members vandalized. In June 2023, the church won a $2.8 million default judgment against the Proud Boys after the organization’s former leader, Enrique Tarrio, and several of his subordinates attacked it in a night of violence after a pro-Trump rally in December 2020.”
“The ruling by the judge, Tanya M. Jones Bosier of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, effectively means that Proud Boys chapters across the country can no longer legally use their own name or the group’s traditional symbols without the permission of the church that was attacked, the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church.”
Gloat away.
A gifted copy of the article:
Chris Andrew’s: Very, Very good for the Metropolitan SME Church in our Nation‘s Capital!
Very just, delicious ruling by U.S. District Court Judge, Tanya M. Jones Bosier!
Thank you, Chris Andrew’s! No WONDER you are my go-to writer!
Way to go, Metropolitan AME Church and Judge Tanya Jones Bosier!
HALLELUJAH! That’s good news!