Oh Chris! You and Rose were little hellions! Had I known you both then, but alas it wasn’t to be until 7th grade! So glad we met then!

❤️ Kalli

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Kalli - I have a feeling we might have been best friends had we been in grade school together. I remember you, too, had the twinkle in your eye. I've got more fun stuff coming up. If you have ideas - send 'em my way.

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Chris, I cannot tell you how tickled pink I am that you and John have discovered one another. But I Can tell you that I discovered John when I was six years old. We were driving back from the Tuteur ranch (Mary, Suzie Weigle, Johnny, and me) in the back of the station wagon (the fashionable one, a woody) and we decided to play spin the bottle, only we didn’t have a bottle so I volunteered my shoe, a sturdy brown oxford we were required to wear at Miss Burke’s School for young ladies). Needless to day I cheated so I could kiss Johnny. I was always boy crazy, almost since the day I hatched. But that’s another story. I don’t think John has any recollection of the event but it’s a special one for me. However, this is NOT why I’m writing. I just want to commiserate with you because I had that same Buster Brown haircut until I was twelve and I hated it. You have my deepest sympathy. I also had to get glasses( which I did Not wear) only in fourth grade. I think they were see-through plastic, kinda like what they give patients in mental institutions, but I don’t think they were cat eyes. So know I feel your pain.

All the best,

Lulu (Mary Tuteur’s friend since 1st grade)

PS John IS a lovely man, I agree with you. Enjoy!

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OMG. You totally made my day!!!! Let it rip Lulu. I can't stop laughing.

You may find other content in here that you like. John seemed to like "Are You A Nurse or A Purse": https://www.menonpause.info/p/are-you-a-nurse-or-a-purse. Gotta like a guy who's good with snarky women's humor. That's the litmus test for me. That and a beard.

And quite clearly you have good taste - I would have done exactly the same in the spin-the-bottle situation. John probably deserved a kiss, I hope you went for it.

Boy crazy is good. Tales to tell.

Looking forward to meeting you in person.


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I did read the Nurse or Purse blog and totally enjoyed it. So true, unfortunately. It did make me feel like an old fart though because you are so out there, brave and irreverent, BOLD. Truth be told I adore irreverence and am a bit daunted and jealous when encountering one to whom it is second nature. Hooray for you. I KNOW you will make John’s life very rich, full, and FUN. (YAY!) I am all about having fun, which is why I was such a late bloomer. But that’s another story.

Sadly I won’t see you at the upcoming reading for Maggie’s book. But, hopefully, one of these days we’ll meet.


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Hey Chris,

I have mixed feelings about ^ this piece. I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability…and you already know I love your bawdy, irreverent story telling: my concern is the way you appear to breeze through telling of your mom leaving. That’s just fucking horrendous! What parent does that? I’m angry enough to spit nails! I know there’s always more to the story, and perhaps some time I will learn the details from you, should you care to share. But for the time being my feelings are going to be damn well muddled. Please ask Doug to give you an extra hug. My heart goes out to that sweet, precious little kindergartener. Your dad will have a very special place in heaven when the time comes.


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