Sheesh. These Catholic priests, or whatever they are, sure don't know much about anatomy. Why did the good Lord place the clitoris in an out of the way (of the penis) position if he didn't want men to kiss to give bliss? Why did said good Lord put pheromone producing glands in the anus if not to to create the desire to kiss this "disordered orifice". I could go on, but for all practical purposes I'd be repeating myself.

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Hope you save this as a quote for your dating profile.

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I have saved it where I can find it, with other potential ad copy for dating sites. Thank you Chris!

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If you have any idea where best to put a dating profile these days, I'll take it. The only one I've been on in the last five years is eHarmony, and they sent me on a bunch of long drives (and some shorter ones) but no-one they suggested worked. And Bumble was useless.

(I'm actually trying to circulate in places where I can meet women without the help of dating sites. I did meet a lovely woman the other evening in a place where I take the dog running. We had a very nice conversation. But I suspect she was at least 35 years younger than I am.

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The dating website piece - I'm pulling it out of the cupboard. As an experiment I did profiles on all the dating sites to see how all of them worked. Holy shit. I couldn't close down the accounts fast enough. A nightmare.

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Oy. Send me the dating website piece. You've got me curious.

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Chris Andrews: Excellent.

Whew, I am sure glad it is OK to . . . in kilts! Had me worried, especially since Ronald L. Conte, Jr., seems to have The Holy Rat's (i.e., Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict, RIP) take on sex, which evidently the Rat's Brother did not learn from.

If one looks VERY closely at the catechetical interpretation of the learned Ronald L. Conte, Jr., one runs into the teaching of St Alphonsus of Liguori -- whose "Way of the Cross" is, seriously, a fine, almost poetic meditation on Fridays of Lent.

But the good Saint's teaching on this subject suggest the severity of a Lenten Fast! It is quite plain, AHEM, that Mother Church makes the MAN's climax everything (necessary for procreation), whereas the woman's pleasure is . . . by Mother Church's teaching . . . extra; not necessary . . .

Now, of course, St Alphonsus of Liguori was an expert on teaching about marital intimacy and . . . relations because, you know, he was CELIBATE.

So, Alphonsus kind of directs us by a form of remote control in the . . . marital bedroom.

Here is the severe teaching of St Alphonsus of Liguori, at LEAST as presented by the commendably severe Ronald L. Conte, Jr.

Here is where one can read to bask in the severity and self-flagellation of Ronald L. Conte, Jr.:



"Saint Alphonsus Liguori asks the same question: “Then, if the husband withdraws after climax, but before the climax of the wife, whether it is possible for her to immediately excite herself with touches so as to climax?” And the answer is the same no matter how climax for the wife is achieved (other than by the natural act).

"Saint Alphonsus cites several authors answering “No”. He agrees with this answer, explaining the reason. First, the climax of the wife is not essential to procreation, as it is for the husband. So her act, in exciting herself with touches after his withdrawal (after natural marital relations has ended) lacks the procreative meaning of sex. Second, the sexual pleasure of the wife, if it is obtained while they are separated, also lacks the unitive meaning of sex.

"Saint Alphonsus: “The reason: because the climax of the wife is not necessary to procreation; also, because this sexual pleasure of the wife, in as much as they are separated, does not occur as one flesh with the husband.” He also says that if this were permitted to wives, it would also be permitted to husbands. In other words, the wife is not under a different rule that the husband.

* Can unnatural sexual acts be used on either spouse as foreplay, without climax, to prepare for natural marital relations?

"No. The end does not justify the means. A good end, preparing for natural marital relations, does not justify the deliberate knowing choice of an intrinsically evil act as the means. And unnatural sexual acts are immoral regardless of whether climax occurs or not. Saint Alphonsus Liguori also teaches this point.

"Saint Alphonsus: “Whether it is a mortal sin for the husband to begin copulating in a disordered [or perverse] orifice, then afterward consummate the act in the proper orifice?” So the question is whether the spouses may begin their sexual activity with an unnatural sexual act, and subsequently consummate the act in the natural manner? The answer is No.

"Saint Alphonsus: “The reason is that this manner of his sexual act (even without climax) is truly sodomy, whether or not it is consummated, just as an act of copulation in the natural orifice of another woman is truly fornication, even if there is no climax.”

"The phrase in parentheses, “even without climax” are the words of the Saint, not my comment."

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Holy shit. Literally. Love: "whereas the woman's pleasure is . . . by Mother Church's teaching . . . extra; not necessary . . " Enjoy your dry toast, whoever believes that crap. Mama ain't cooking tonight.

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Chris Andrews: I know, right!

But, I am not only Catholic, as a boy who had all of the 1950s to grow up in, the Pope I first knew was His Holiness Pius XII, who, while he wavered on the Nazi war crimes, in 1947 was VERY CLEAR to the Italian midwives that, between baby and Mother, the BABY's life MUST be saved, for the baby is innocent.

Ronald L. Conte, Jr.: Words to live by!


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Chris Andrews: I understand.

Actually, I concur!

But why are we upset?!

Because WE follow this?!

NO and NO!

We are upset, because:

(1) Many good, sincere, worthwhile persons have been DEEPLY HURT by such HARSHNESS and rigidity. These good persons are deprived of a lot of joy AND BEAUTY in life.

(2) This RIGIDITY has, in fact, HAS inflicted LOSS OF LIFE.

(3) Please, note this: If you go on Ronald L. Conte, Jr's website, HE, a self-styled theologian, WON'T accept comments, except those HE DEEMS . . . are you ready for this . . . that HE DEEMS to be CONSISTENT WITH THE MAGISTERIUM. (Sounds like something from the "Golden Compass" with Nicole Kidman. (God, NK is a MAGNIFICENT person!)

(4) Pope RAT's BROTHER was accused of abuse. I am bilingual with German, and I can tell you, the problems with monastic schools in Germany are shocking.

So, while I joke a little bit between you and me, this RIGIDITY inflicts harm by people who DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

As a lawyer, I know the Catholic dogma inside and out and manage . . .

Oh, well, I could go on a long time about that one. A long time. A full afternoon and the next day.

If you are curious at all, MY RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHERS AND THEOLOGIANS are: Paul Tillich, Rudolf Bultmann (a real giant philosophically and in Anti-Nazi resistance) and Karl Barth.

Not at all the same spirit as Ronald L. Conte, Jr.

Paul Tillich had to LEAVE the Third Reich already in 1933, since he was marked on the death list. Already, his books were burnt in May 1933. Paul Tillich and Thomas Mann volunteered during the war for the Allies' "Radio Free Europe," which broadcast in as broadband as was then available and flooded, so far as possible, the German airwaves to reach common German citizens with information to counter Nazism, and Paul Tillich's VERY FIRST broadcast (I think it was 1942) was about our debt to Judaism and the sacredness of Jewish culture and Jewish lives.

These are the people I follow.

Ronald L. Conte, Jr.: Well . . . maybe we'll look at him a little more, next time. Sure. There will be time for RLC Jr later. We'll put RLC Jr somewhere . . . on the triage. Sure . . . we'll get to his work . . . Someday . . . I'm sure of it. Right?!?!

Maybe NOT.

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RLC - checked out his stuff. What a piece of work. There's a guy who needs to see a sex therapist.

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Chris Andrews: EXACTLY!

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